Hostels & Accomodation

MICEBS  has a well-furnished common rooms. The hostels have a cooperative mess that is managed by the hostel residents themselves.
HOSTEL FEE is 300,000/= annually,  where by a student is required to pay prior the half of the total amount i.e. 150,000/= per semester.
NB: All payments should be deposited to  CRDB BANK account number  0150213672900, Name of the Account is Morogoro International College, and  after payments submit the pay in slip to the college Bursar for verification right after arriving at the college.

Meals and Canteen

In our canteen we provide different meals at an affordable price such as:- 
Break fast 500/-
Meal is offered at the following costs as follows;
Lunch is offered for 1200/- per plate
Dinner is offered for 1200/- per plate

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Chapisha Maoni

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